Premier League

David Sullivan Continues To Play The Villian

david-sullivanWest Ham United co-chairman David Sullivan seems determined to play the role of the pantomime owner. A week ago, Sullivan made a fool of himself by claiming that West Ham fans did not attack Manchester United’s team bus ahead of the final meeting at Upton Park.

He told BBC Radio 5 Live: “It’s depressing really, it will be a late night for our fans and some of them won’t be able to stay.

“I don’t understand why United couldn’t get here at 4pm. They could have got here early. They knew it would be busy. It’s crazy.

There was congestion in the street and they couldn’t get the coach in. There were people around the coach, but there was no attack on the coach.

“If you check the coach there won’t be any damage to it. If we arrived late at Old Trafford they wouldn’t put the kick-off back.”

Speaking to Sky Sports, Sullivan added:

“They know it’s our last game. They had the same problem at Tottenham a few weeks ago.

“I think the police and officials have been kind. I’d make them kick off at 7.45pm if I was in charge.”

Afterwards Sullivan was forced to apologize for his comments when he realized that he went in front of the TV cameras without a clue what had happened.

You would think that after that, that Sullivan would have laid low for a while, but no, the former sex shops owner managed to piss off Bournemouth buy submitting an offer for Cherries players Callum Wilson and Matt Ritchie, the day before their final game of the season at Manchester United.

Bournemouth boss Eddie Howe was furious with West Ham’s timing saying:

‘We had a bid on Monday evening. The disappointing thing from my perspective is why the bid has come the day before a game.

‘You have the whole season to bid for players. I don’t understand that. They were two players who were due to play and there’s a lot of speculation surrounding their futures. That was bizarre.’

Bournemouth have no intention of selling their better players as they start planning for a second season in the Premier League.

‘It was rejected. We don’t need to sell,’ he added.

‘We’ve got a really ambitious owner. We want to improve our squad.

‘Our biggest challenge is going to be keeping the players we have. We love the guys we’re working with. We respect them as people.’

So people cannot help themselves. They are just natural jerks. And that description fits David Sullivan to a T.