Premier League

Could Cesc Fabregas Be Heading Back To The Premier League?

Cesc Fabregas BarcelonaInteresting stories out of Spain about Cesc Fabregas. While Fabregas was a favorite of former Barca coach Pep Guardiola, he is not of current boss Tito Vilanova.

Fabregas has spent much of the season alongside Alex Song on the Barcelona bench. While he says that he wants to stay and fight for is place at Barca, the fact is, that as long as Xavi and Iniesta are fit, Fabregas will be a reserve under Vilanova.

In the last couple of days there have been reports out of Spain that both AC Milan and Manchester United are interested in the former Arsenal captain.

Barcelona are looking to rebuild this squad this season, and they need the cash to buy the likes of Neymar. Reportedly, Barca will be willing to accept around £20m for Fabregas, a significant discount from the £35m they paid Arsenal for him in 2011.

It has been reported Arsenal inserted a clause when they sold Fabregas to Barcelona to ensure they had first option on buying him back. Arsene Wenger said last January that he believed that Cesc would return to Emirates one day.

“I’m not convinced that he will not one day come back here because he is a real Arsenal man,” added the Gunners boss. “He loves Arsenal, he watches every Arsenal game.”

Barcelona still owe Arsenal £5m from the original transfer of Fabregas, giving Arsenal leverage to outbid any other club for him.

With the World Cup in a year, the chances of Fabregas starting for Spain in Brazil next summer, will heavily depend on how well we plays next season. Sitting on the Barca bench for another season will not help him. Playing every week in the Premier League will!!

Fabregas’s other option in England is Manchester United. With the retirement of Paul Scholes, the expected departure of Anderson, Darren Fletcher’s future on-going health issue and Phil Jones’s long-term future at centre-half, United have a crying need for a dynamic midfielder like Fabregas.

United will hope that Robin van Persie, who spent 7 years at Arsenal with Fabregas, can convince the Spanish midfielder, that if he is to return to the Premier League that he should consider Old Trafford over the Emirates.