Chelsea, La Liga

Costa Still Pines For Return To Madrid

diego-costa-2Diego Costa admits he was hoping to leave Chelsea this summer to rejoin Atletico Madrid and only a few details stopped the move from happening.

The striker has had a great start to the season for Antonio Conte’s side, scoring late winners against West Ham United and Watford, but if he had his way he would be back under the command of Diego Simeone in the Spanish capital.

Speaking to Spanish television channel Movistar Plus while in Spain for the international break, the striker explained his desire to swap London for Madrid.

‘I wished I could go back to Atletico, I’m not going to lie,’ he said.

‘Everyone knows what happened to me there [England], with the language, the weather and everything.

“But I can’t complain because I’m a boy whom the fans love, at Chelsea they respect me.

‘I had the chance to go back but I couldn’t, because of a few details. I’m grateful to the people at Atletico, to Cholo [Simeone] especially, who has always put his confidence in me.

‘Now I am at Chelsea, I’m doing well, the league has started and I’m focused on that.

“Things are how they are. I hope that Atletico do very well, like last season but this time win titles.

“I want the best for them, I always feel for them, but I have to do my work at Chelsea.’

with the impending transfer ban at Atletico, the window has closed for Costa to return to Spain as who knows what the situation will be in 2018.