
Burnley Says No To Danny Ings Joining Liverpool

danny-ingsBurnley will not sell Danny Ings to Liverpool and then take him back on loan because it is against Premier League rules, the club’s chief executive Lee Hoos has said.

Dyche has stated repeatedly that he does not want to sell Ings, seeing him as vital to the club’s attempt to stay in the Premier League.

Liverpool have looked into the possibility of buying Ings and then loaning him back to the Clarets for the rest of the season, but in a statement released to the media on Friday, Hoos said that such a move is not allowed under Premier League rules.

“This type of move would violate Premier League rule V7 regarding transfers so simply cannot happen.

“This is the last time we will be making any comment regarding the player’s future. Over the course of the window, the player himself, Sean Dyche and the chairman have made it clear he won’t be going anywhere and we consider that the end of the matter.”

This is a bit of a strange one as Liverpool desperately need a striker for the second half of the season, not for next season, when Brendan Rodgers may or may not be in charge. If Liverpool want Ings then get an agreement to buy him outright in the summer.

In the meantime, if they are to get back into the top four, Liverpool need to sign another striker as Lambert and Balotelli are not the answers.