Serie A

Berlusconi Wants Pato To Be AC Milan’s Centre Forward

Interesting comments from Silvio Berlusconi about Alexandre Pato and what his best position is. Speaking on Milan Channel, Italy’s prime minister said he felt the Brazilian was more suited to a position through the middle rather than on the wing.

The combination of Pato and Swedish international Zlatan Ibrahimovic has been a talking point for fans this season, and Berlusconi remarked:

“He’s [Pato] already established himself. His is a player of immense talent who just needs to learn what his best position is. He likes picking up the ball from deep and from the wings, but seven times out of 10 he’s unable to reach the edge of the area, where he is lethal. He should play as a centre forward and not off the front man.”

I wonder if Ibrahimovic is falling out of favor in Milan after his recent rash of red cards? The Milan boss has a big decision to make this summer about whether to make Ibra’s loan deal from Barca permanent. Reading between the lines of his statement, it seems that he views Pato as his future number nine, and that might result in Ibrahimovic playing elsewhere next season.