Major League Soccer, News, Serie A

Beckham Disses MLS

David Beckham lay the groundwork for him opting out of his contract with LA Galaxy next October during his introduction to the Italian media today.

Beckham said that he has missed playing football “at the highest level”. Specifically what he said was:

“But I have always said that I would always miss playing at the highest level. I’m not saying that in America they won’t get to the highest level – it will take time and it will happen. But with five months off during the season I personally can’t do that.

“I needed to be able to be playing top-flight football to keep myself fit, to keep myself in contention for other things that are going on.”

Why did Beckham say this? Well according to the English media Beckham has a unilateral exit clause in his contract with LA Galaxy, which he can trigger from next October.

Beckham’s England career was over when he signed for the Galaxy, but under Fabio Capello his England career has been revived. Beckham desperately wants to play for England in the 2010 World Cup Finals in South Africa but he realizes that the MLS does not present the competitive level of football that he needs to keep his spot in Capello’s squad.

Beckham’s goal from the Milan loan is whether he can do enough between January and March to convince Milan to offer him a deal through to the end of next season. Playing regularly in one of Europe’s toughest leagues would certainly enhance Beckham’s chances of going to South Africa.

Eighteen months after coming to America, the David Beckham experiment is coming to an end. Yes Beckham will be back for the Galaxy in 2009, but I think it will be his last season in America.

That is unless Beckham fails to impress in Milan, and then he will be happy to take the millions from Major League Soccer.