La Liga

Barcelona Still Hopeful On Fabregas Deal

Barcelona are hoping to wrap up the signing of Arsenal captain Cesc Fabregas during the World Cup according to Barcelona’s corporate director general Joan Oliver

“Cesc has arrived in South Africa to play the World Cup, but there are a lot of football people there. (Arsenal coach Arsene) Wenger will be there and there will also be representatives of Barca (there).”

Oliver is hoping to take the opportunity while in South Africa to sit down and talk with Arsenal.

“This is a three-sided affair and the third side (Arsenal) have not expressed themselves in any way. There is a player who wants to come here, but he has a contract. We have made an offer (of 35million euros) and they have said that the player is not for sale. The problem is between the player and the club (Arsenal); we haven’t been invited to the table (to negotiate).”

If Spain fails to win the World Cup this summer, will Barcelona face a backlash in the Spanish press for potentially unsettling the squad because of their pursuit of Fabregas?