La Liga

Barcelona coach Tito Vilanova Facing A Suspension

Two games into the La Liga season and Barcelona boss Tito Vilanova is already facing a suspension after being issued a red card against Osasuna.

“Muñiz (the referee) sent me off because I told the linesman that Busquets had been fouled during a play. It seems that’s enough to send you off. We know what this referee’s like, we’ve all been warned”, the Barcelona coach said after the match.

The referee outlined the following in his report:

“In the 70th minute the manager (…) was sent off for (…) angrily protesting whilst having been previously warned by the assistant referee”.

Tito went on to talk about the game admitting that Barcelona played badly.

“This is one of the tough away games. Last year we lost here and now we’ve won”, the Barça coach said relieved.

“We didn’t play well. We gave them too many chances to score. This is a tough place to come and play, Osasuna always brings the game to you, but I think we created enough to win the game”, Vilanova continued.

Regarding the goalscorer, Leo Messi, he said: “We always hope he’ll bring his A game, but even when he doesn’t he keeps scoring. He struggled a bit with the state of the pitch. We’re just kicking off the season”.