Man Utd.

Anderson Sticks Boot Into David Moyes

davidmoyesManchester United midfielder Anderson has pulled back the curtain on the mood at Old Trafford by saying that a lot of players are looking to jump off the David Moyes bandwagon.

Anderson moved to Serie A side Fiorentina during the transfer window and isn’t expected to return to Old Trafford at the end of the season.

That would end his seven-year spell with the club and Anderson insists he is not the only one who wants to leave United.

He said:

“I’m sure that lots of players want out, especially people like myself and Nani who have been in Manchester or seven or eight years.

“Manchester United is a huge club that does everything for their players but sometimes a footballer wants to leave just to experience a new way to play football and to learn something as well.”

Anderson failed to live up to expectations at United and was often criticized by United fans for his fitness. He made his first start for his new club in the defeat to Cagliari on Saturday but was substituted shortly after half-time.

There is no doubt that his summer will see a massive turnover in players at Old Trafford. In addition to Anderson, three quarters of the back four that led United to the title last season (Ferdinand, Vudic and Evra) are expected to move. Add in Buttner, Kagawa, Nani, Giggs and potentially Hernandez, you could have as many as 9 members of United’s 25-man squad lead. That is an unprecedented number.