La Liga

Sandro Rosell Voted Barcelona President

<- - - .Sandro Rosell was voted in as the new Barcelona President and his first order of business is to sign Arsenal’s Cesc Fabregas this summer.

“When we get together, Laporta will explain at what stage the Cesc situation is at. If negotiations are advanced and the coaching staff want the player, we will continue with the negotiations, without doubt,” Rosell said in his first press conference since winning the presidential election.

It will be interesting to see how the Fabregas situation works out as Arsenal have said many times that Fabregas is not for sale.

Although he does not officially take control until July 1st, Rosell is planning to speak to coach Pep Guardiola soon discuss how the club can strengthen the squad for next season.

“I have spoken to Pep and before he goes away on holiday we will speak again to try to help improve the team in these days before our mandate starts. If Pep thinks we can lend a hand in terms of making signings, we will. They have the last word. We don’t have any ‘top player’ lined up, but we will make our contacts and knowledge available,”

Barcelona have already signed striker David Villa from Valencia and are rumored to be interested in Manchester City’s Robinho.

Creative Commons License photo credit: Zeigen_was