La Liga

Real Madrid And Barcelona Say No To Super Cup In China

Two weeks ago I wrote how I thought The Spanish Federation (RFEF) had sold out in agreeing to move the Spanish Super Cup to China. Well it seems that Real Madrid and Barcelona agree as the two La Liga giants have refused plans to play the Spanish Super Cup in Beijing, regardless of the previous arrangement made among the Spanish Football Federation and the Chinese promoter United Vansen International Sport.

This was always a deal about money as the Spanish Football Federation were set to make €30 million from the package, while the two finalists would only make €3 million each.

Whilst the other teams in La Liga considered the Federation´s offer to be acceptable, that sort of revenue split is unthinkable to Real and Barca. Still the decision by Spain’s two biggest clubs to say no to this deal came as a huge shock to the RFEF and rules out any possibility of a Real Madrid-Barcelona head-to-head in China.

The official reason that Real and barcelona vetoed the deal was the length of trip and the fact that their own fans would be unable to see the game live. But we also know that this was as much about the money as anything else.