Premier League

Prandelli: We Will Attack Spain

Italy coach Cesare Prandell says that Italy will not sit back and defend against Spain on Sunday in the 2012 Euro Final.

Prandeli says that “We shouldn’t be scared about playing them” and that Italy “played well in the 1st half” in the game in Gdańsk between the two sides in the Group Stage of the competition and that, in the meantime, Italy have “grown, not only from a fitness point of view, but also from a psychological point of view.

The Italian coach, who is still unbeaten in competitive games for Italy went on to say:

“We have to try to find their weak points and work on ways of attacking them. They are, after all, the European and World Champions. However, we aren’t far behind them. We’ve improved, and when a coach has time to work with his players, to become a real coach in every sense of the word, he can work better.

“We played well in the 1st half in the game between us in Gdańsk. We shouldn’t be scared about playing them. We need to find the strength to play creative football, with lots of ideas, with a lot of quality. It’s the way we have to play, in a proactive way. It’s what people want to watch, what the 23 million [Italians] who watched the game in Warsaw on TV want to see. We can’t change the way we play now.

“Spain have been playing this way for a long time, their current generation of footballers have managed, with their success, to really capitalise on this way of football.

“How much have Italy changed since the game in Gdańsk? We’ve improved by working hard on the pitch, from a fitness point of view and from a psychological point of view.”