La Liga

Pique Says Mourinho Is Wrecking The Spanish Game

Barcelona defender Gerard Pique has accused Real Madrid coach Jose Mourinho of “wrecking Spanish football” following the European champions’ stormy Spanish Super Cup win.

“Mourinho is wrecking Spanish football,” Pique said. “People are looking for culprits but they are in Madrid. Someone needs to get the video, analyse it and say who is to blame. We hope that on Thursday everyone will be talking about a great game of football and not the melee. It isn’t the first time this has happened … it is always the same people. Someone needs to sort this out.”

During the melee of players and management staff, television pictures appeared to show Mourinho sneak up behind Vilanova and poke him in the eye. When asked about the incident, Mourinho replied:

“I have been polite and played like a man and not fallen to the ground at the first touch. I don’t know who Vilanova is.”

Barca coach Pep Guardiola said:

“The images will speak for themselves. This is going to end up badly if it isn’t stopped soon.”