Major League Soccer

MLS Rant

Couple of things about Major League Soccer that I just have to get off my chest

First, why was there a full slate of MLS games this weekend while word cup qualifying was going on? This weekend was a scheduled FIFA weekend, so countries I believe have the right to postpone their league games. You see this in Europe all the time.

So why does the MLS insist on playing games when teams are forced to play without 3, 4 or even 5 of their regular players who were away on international duty? The quality of play is not up to the usual standard and  and it turns off the fans who are forced to pay regular prices for tickets.

Do the right thing MLS. Give teams a bye during world cup qualifying. The teams and fans will thank you.

Can someone in the league office please explain to me why the Kansas City Wizards went over two months this season without a home game? I thought the scheduling shambles in Scotland this year with Rangers was bad, but this is just terrible. Not surprisingly the Wizards are last in the Western Conference. A forced losing streak like this not only hurts team morale, but it also impacts attendance as fans don’t want to go and see a losing team play.

What is up with the Internet strategy of the MLS? At last weeks NE Revolution game, the announcer kept telling people to go the the official Revolution web site at Yes dot net. The strange part is that the Kraft’s own the address Why not use it?

A dot net address indicates to consumers that you cannot afford a real URL address. The NE Patriots URL is Note the dot com. Why are the Revolution not using their dot com address?

On this same topic, why is the official Kansas City Wizards blog not hosted on their own URL? Instead it is a t Tacky. Do you think the Kansas City Chiefs official blog is at

Why are teams allowed to be still playing in stadiums with American football lines on them? The best MLS experiences are in places like Colorado, Toronto and Columbus where they play in an appropriately sized soccer specific stadiums. Playing games with two sets of lines on them is confusing to players, fans and those watching on TV. It should be mandated that any new MLS team must have its own soccer specific stadium before they can begin play. And any existing team that does not play in soccer specific stadium should have 3 years to get one built or the franchise will be moved.

Those are my rants about the MLS. What annoys you?