Premier League

Luis Suarez Apologies For Biting Ivanovic

Suarez-BiteLiverpool FC have moved quickly to get in front of the Luis Suarez biting incident. Suarez has issued a statement saying:

“I am deeply sorry for my inexcusable behaviour earlier today during our match against Chelsea.

“I have issued an apology and have tried to contact Branislav Ivanovic to speak to him personally. I apologise also to my manager, playing colleagues and everyone at Liverpool Football Club for letting them down.”

The club’s managing director Ian Ayre commented:

“Luis has made an unreserved apology for his actions today.

“His behaviour is not befitting of any player wearing a Liverpool shirt and Luis is aware that he has let himself and everyone associated with the club down. We will deal with the matter internally and await any action from the FA.

Finally Liverpool boss Brendan Rodgers added:

“Having reviewed the video footage and spoken to Luis, his behaviour is unacceptable and I have made him aware of this.”

Despite the apology from Suarez and Liverpool there has been widespread condemnation of his actions by many throughout football. One of these vocal in his criticism was TV pundit and former Liverpool manager Graeme Souness who called the episode embarrassing:

‘A club’s board of directors’ job is to attract and get the best players and keep them at the club. He is making it very difficult for himself to stay at Liverpool. I believe that puts him in the last-chance saloon. More important than any of that is to safeguard the good name of the club.

‘It is up there with Barcelona, Real Madrid, Manchester United.

‘People will be talking about this for a long, long time and it’s going to show Liverpool in a very bad light — especially in this week of all weeks, the anniversary of Hillsborough.

‘If you look at Suarez’s track record, this is not the first time he has bitten someone in a football match. It can’t happen again.

‘I firmly believe this puts him in the last chance saloon as a Liverpool player – the board have to see it that way because they’re risking everything this great football club stands for.’