Major League Soccer, Premier League

Landon Donovan Wants To Stay at Everton – Should He?

Landon DonovanLandon Donovan’s two month loan at Everton is coming to an end and the La Galaxy star is asking the Galaxy to let him stay at Everton for at least another month.

Donovan has impressed Everton David Moyes with his play and Donovan has came to appreciate the work ethic among England’s leading players.

Donovan came up to Moyes before a game recently and told him that he had a cold and that he would not be able to play that day. Moyes told Donovan that in England players do not miss games because of colds. Donovan played!

Donovan was recently asked what he had learnt in England and said:

“What have I learned? Wow! I’ve learned a lot. The biggest thing from a professional standpoint is to keep yourself going every day. That is so important. The amount these guys put in is so draining, physically, mentally and emotionally. I have so much respect for the Frank Lampards and Steven Gerrards who do it day in, day out. It’s the same here at Everton, when you see players like Leighton Baines turning out every week and maintaining standards.

‘It’s been really great and I can’t imagine many players in the world, let alone Americans, can say they have played against and beaten Chelsea and Manchester United in the space of 10 days. That has to be the highlight. It’s certainly improved me as a player. I’ve learned a lot technically and tactically.”

Galaxy boss Bruce Arena wants no part of a loan extension saying:

“We’re not interested. Landon will be back here March 15. We’re being consistent with everything we’ve said all along.”

I understand Arena’s position. His job is to win a title with the Galaxy, and that job is much easier if he has Donovan for a whole season than half a season.

But as a U.S. soccer fan I want Donovan playing in the Premier League until May as that will help the U.S. national team this summer. As Donovan himself said:

“My experience puts me in a stronger position for the World Cup. The biggest plus is I now have the confidence to play against anybody and not fear anyone at all.”

What do you think? Should the L.A. Galaxy extend Landon Donovan’s loan deal at Everton or should they bring him back?