Premier League

Jose Mourinho Confirms No Spurs Transfer Budget

jose mourinho Spurs

There has been a lot of conjecture about what this summer’s transfer window will look like, and Tottenham Hotspur manager Jose Mourinho confirmed that Spurs will not be splashing the cash this summer.

COVID-19 has devastated the balance sheet of many clubs and Mourinho admits he is prepared for a changed market once new dates are announced with huge sums for players not expected to be the norm.

“To be honest in this moment it is the last thing we are thinking. In the club we are not thinking about it. No talks about it, because in this moment we think about safety, following every rule inside of the training ground, we are trying to be perfect, not just in the testing but in everything in the club, we are trying to be perfect.

“But you ask me, and I’m not going to run away. I think it is normal that you are going to have a different market. I don’t see the world, and especially the football world, ready for some crazy numbers that we are used to having, and some crazy investments that sometimes some clubs and some leagues are used to doing.

“But my first question after that is: ‘When will the transfer window be?’ Because I don’t think it will be July-August anymore, it will obviously have to go further than that.

“If you ask me what I want in my club, I would like my club to be what I know it is going to be: sensible, balanced, not going to spend rivers of money, and we are trying to respect the situation, not just of football but of the world and society overall.”

This will be quite the challenge for Mourinho who has developed a reputation as a checkbook manager, who needs specific players in order to install his philosophy and style of play.

Before football stopped, Mourinho seemed to be struggling to get his message across to the team, but with the mini pre-season will Spurs be able to finish the final 11 games strong?