La Liga

Guardiola: "I'm convinced we're leaving good memories behind"

In his last press conference as the manager of FC Barcelona, Guardiola said that he’s happy and that he has the feeling that “with time people will say that these players played great football and that it was enjoyable”

Barcelona’s victory over Athletic meant that Guardiola won his fourth title of the year, and 14th during his time as Barça’s boss. The manager, who was very calm, explained during his last press conference that he’s leaving “happy,” especially because he

“was able to to be part of this process that started so long ago, but it didn’t start nor does it end with me. I’m leaving something behind for those that take my place.” He added: “we didn’t invent anything. Everyone simply implemented their ideas.”

The Barça manager said that the team he’s managed “has left a good memory.” He added that

“I’m infinitely content. I’m leaving happy, with great satisfaction, and leaving a future for the Club so that things can continue to work. We’ve had a great cycle. 14 titles in four years is a difficult feat to achieve. I’m convinced that we’re leaving a good memory behind, with time people will say that these players played great football and that it was enjoyable.”

Guardiola then singled out Lionel Messi saying:

“he has taught me to be more competitive, I’m more competitive now than when I first arrived. It’s clear that we would have not won 14 titles in 4 years if we didn’t have him. I’ve learned a lot of things about football thanks to him. On our part, we’ve tried to teach him that if he participates in a collective dynamic of game play that he, personally, gains a lot more. It has been a privilege to train the best player I have ever seen. With his age and competitive spirit, he’ll continue to give a lot of things to this magnificent Club.”

Finally, Guardiola said that, in terms of football, that this

“was the best season yet.” He added, “we’ve grown tactically. In the first years it was all fireworks, pure energy. This season was more analytical. I’m convinced that with time the team will be even better,” he concluded.

At the end of the press conference, the members of the press at the Vicente Calderón press room gave Guardiola a standing ovation.