Europe, Premier League

City’s Competitors Eyeing Targets

Manchester City’s foes in the Premiership are beginning to zero in on several targets as the upcoming transfer period draws near.

Captain Richard Dunne has been linked to Aston Villa, Everton, Newcastle United, and Sunderland. Manchester City’s four-time player of the year appears to be no longer needed at owner Thaksin Shinawatra’s City. Widely considered one of the top defenders in England, Manchester City can ill afford to lose a player of his caliber.

Dunne’s international teammate Steven Ireland has also been linked with Sunderland. A strong Irish connection is present at the Stadium of Light thanks in large part to manager Roy Keane.

Goalkeeper Kasper Schmeichel is all but gone after his father Peter made mention of his departure in a recent TV interview. A move to one of the promoted Championship sides seems to be his most likely destination, but don’t rule out a return to his native Denmark. Forwards Rolando Bianchi, Georgios Samaras and Bernardo Corradi appear likely to say goodbye as well.

Two U-21 members, midfielder Michael Johnson and goalkeeper Joe Hart have been mentioned in recent media reports. Johnson to Liverpool appears to be the most prevalent rumor.

Thaksin Shinawatra’s City could feature a whole new squad come August.