Premier League

Brendan Rodgers Responds To Suarez’s Comments

Brendan_Rogers_LiverpoolLiverpool boos Brendan Rodgers has responded to that Luis Suarez’s interview saying that he will take decisive action with the wantaway striker and that there’s been total disrespect of the club.

Speaking after Liverpool’ win over a Valerenga in Norway, Rodgers said:

“I will take strong, decisive action, absolutely. There has been total disrespect of the club – this is a lack of respect of a club that has given him everything. Absolutely everything,” Rodgers said.

“There were no promises made – categorically none – and no promises broken. Obviously, the remarks I’ve read, it is bitterly disappointing – but my job is bigger than that. My job is to fight and protect the club.

“We have a standard at Liverpool and I will fight for my life to retain it. The Liverpool Way is all about being committed to the cause and fighting for the shirt. It’s also about dignity and being dignified in how you speak about the club. And it’s about unity.

“If anyone steps outside of those values then I have to deal with it.”

Suarez has reportedly been told he can no longer train with the first team, and Rodgers added that the striker will have to apologize to his teammates if he is to stay at Liverpool:

“Is there a way back? We first of all need to assess where it’s at at this moment things have been said that are derogatory against the football club and his team-mates and the supporters,” he added.

“There’s a few bridges to cross before that can happen (play for LFC again). It’s about the respect, that’s the only thing we look for. This is one of the most iconic football clubs in the world, you can’t disrespect it.

“That’s something I will ensure before anything happens in the future. That bridge will need to be crossed.”

This is about as bad a divorce as you see between a player and a team. The only solution is for Liverpool to sell Suarez and use the £40m+ to bring in two or three top quality players before the season starts in 10 days.